The reason I usually play a Taylor guitar is because of a store that used to be in Conway, Arkansas. Jack and Mert Smith treated me better than any music store, with no close second. They would let me camp out in their "Taylor room" to play and dream about getting one for as long as I wanted, even though they knew I'd never be able to afford one. Just plain old great folks.
And how did I repay them for their kindness? By making the most obnoxious and awful commercials humanly possible. Even though they didn't pay me anything, somehow I think they still got short-changed on the deal.  Here are a few I ran across a while back...
Here are some of the "productions;" Listen at your own risk; I accept no responsibility for any trauma or mental anguish. It was for fun and people tried but could not forget about Jack's Music after hearing it, so I guess they did the job...